GCS powered on, AC power if available
GCS C2 modem plugged into GCS
Open Mission Planner
Ensure propellers are safe for flight
See assembly guide for further details
Powered on, charge acceptable
Set to non-auto mode
Mode switch varies by customer request. Default ASW builds typically utilize the upper left 3-position toggle for flight controller modes.
Throttle down
Batteries connected
Autopilot will make an audible tone once initialized
Confirm PDB disarmed (green switch will be blinking, not solid!)
GCS software connected to aircraft
Autopilot confirm disarmed
Mission profile read from aircraft, displayed correctly
After reading back the mission profile, ASW recommends performing an elevation check for safety (please reference Mission Planner map tools)
C2/Telemetry strength at minimum loss
Flight modes respond to safety transmitter
Safety transmitter confirm non-auto mode, throttle down
GPS has 3D fix
ASW recommends ensuring that HDOP is below 2.0
HUD correctly responds to motion
Compass heading displays correctly
All ASW HLM aircraft ship with magnetometer calibrations factory completed. These should not require recalibration, unless modifications are made to the aircraft. Please contact ASW if necessary.
Battery voltage full or acceptable for planned flight
Payload is prepared, working correctly
Aircraft in desired location, area cleared